Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ouroboros Review

The second Issue is up. It's got some incredible poets in it! And I am lucky enough to be in there with them. The art and other writings are awesome too! Here's the link:
ouroboros review


RachelW said...


Anonymous said...

Holly, your work over there is awesome. Excellent. But then again, it always is. Way to go, sis!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we are so pleased to have two of your poems in ouroboros, Holly. I have read them many times, and am looking forward to reading them again. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Holly!

Anonymous said...

Lucky to be in there? Are you crazy? Your work is stellar!!! Thanks so much xo

holly said...

Y'all are so sweet...sorry it's been so long...seems like life just gets out of hand sometimes.
I'll be back soon.

Beryl Singleton Bissell said...

Lordy. A second issue out already? I shall pop right over there to check your work, and indulge my spirit.

Beryl Singleton Bissell said...

Spent a few blessed moments cruising Ouroboros till I came to your poems and felt myself become a warrior woman as I strode through them with you.

floreta said...

wow how cool is that, congrats!!

holly said...

Oh, thank you so much for all the well-wishes! I have been in a bit of a hole. Climbing my way out slowly!