Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gah Lee!

:) It's been waaay too long since I've been here! I've been without my computer since February, and life has gone incredibly fast since then in so many ways. I'm 26 weeks pregnant with a little girl named Israel Elizabeth. I am engaged. I moved to Florence, AL.

I plan to get back into the blogging world, writing, reading all my fav blogs, etc. I missed you guys. I hope you'll all still visit at some point.

I've been enjoying pregnancy a lot. My mom says I notice all the details. I try to. I am so in love already. Though I had pretty severe nausea for 5 months, I'm feeling better now, and being able to feel her moving around makes the experience that much more real. Izzy flips and slides around inside me quite often! She's almost 2 lbs now. I have a picture of my belly on my profile. I'm getting huge! I love my pregnant belly.

I'm hoping to get past my writing slump and begin writing some poetry again soon.
I've been writing to my fiance who is out of town right now on a regular basis.
I've also been writing to Izzy in a journal. I hope she enjoys reading it one day.

I pray you are all well, and I'll write more soon!

1 comment:

Kay said...

congratulations, all around!!! :)