Friday, July 3, 2009

July 4th

floating on our backs
following the flight
of the dragonfly

with soft eyes
back and forth

too much homemade ice cream
in our bellies

we dance until we almost
puke, and twirl on the floor
on our butts

we want to be free of something
the heavy

so we light things on fire
and laugh at ourselves


Noah the Great said...

Sounds like a fun time. I didn't do anything on the fourth, but I did go to the beach on the fifth. :D

Julie said...

Hello, Holly! Every time I come here, I think I've got a "new favorite" poem of yours. This one is, too. I love it.

You set the scene beautifully with the light of the dragonfly. The last two stanzas kick ass!! I can really relate to "lighting things on fire and laughing at ourselves." I love the way the lighter scenes and fun frame the heavier stanzas with the pressing darkness. Awesome poem!

jack sender said...

i second Julie on this. fine work, Holly.

Ayesha said...

Oh yum yum :) I like the twirling on our butts bit and the relaxed carelessness of this piece. It makes me want to EAT it.