Monday, August 25, 2008

unfinished bridges

concrete and steel stops
in the middle of the river

I drive off bridges in my dreams
not realizing till it ends
till I'm in the air
that I'm going to die

this re-occurs
but I never land
wake up you sleepy
anxious, caught-in-a-fishingnet
kerfuffle head

take the gauzy bandages off your eyes
and the signs off your forehead
that say, "I don't belong here"

find the peace
in a glass of water
in the light of river glass
in the hum whir bend break of the world
inside both your brains


Anonymous said...

really loved this as well......I went too.

holly said...

Thank you Jo. I wish I hadn't gone there so many times. :)

Anonymous said...

This is excellent Holly. I think "I drive off bridges in my dreams" could be a short poem in itself.

Anonymous said...

find the peace
in a glass of water
in the light of river glass
in the hum whir bend break of the world
inside both your brains
